
Kicevo, maybe after the position of Albanian language, is the clearer indicator of the difficulties that Albanians face in Macedonia, as well as the need for continuous compromise, even for the fundamental rights that in normal democratic states would not even count. Today, nearly 545,000 residents live outside the borders of the Republic of Macedonia, respectively 26% the general population of the country. The unemployment rate not only is one of the highest in Europe (32%), in long term, more than 80% of the unemployed have been so for more than a year. Statistics show that the majority of them (63.8%) have been unemployed for more than 4 years. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the unemployment rate in the ethnic Albanian group in Macedonia as well as the evaluation of the implementation of the aspect that have to do with employment in terms of the Ohrid Agreement in order to highlight the implementation of this cohabitation contract in the Republic of Macedonia by aiding the policy makers to correctly adress the problems that affect inter-ethnic cohabitation in this Balkan State. The current study is of the cross-sectional type. In this study 500 individuals were included, of the Albanian entity, age 18-60 and that were Kicevo’s residents in 2014. The individuals were chosen in a random manner in the public environments of the city in order to cover all neighbourhoods or its areas, also aiming the representation of the rural areas. The criteria of being included in the study was that the people should be of Albanian entity, age between 18 to 60 years old and should be resident of Kicevo, whether it was urban or rural area. Keywords: unemployment, Ohrid-Agreement, Kicevo, Albanians, policy makers, etc.

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