
Narratives play a crucial role in our understanding of the world, identity formation, empathy building and imparting moral lessons. The purpose of the study is to evaluate how Doyle uses Labov's model focusing on the narrative's elements. The intricacy of the story is revealed by the qualitative methodology which highlights Doyle's skill for writing captivating stories with vivid settings and multifaceted characters such as lady Mannering and even minor characters like the innkeeper. This study analyzes the structural and linguistic elements in Doyle’s “B24” using Labov’s sociolinguistic model. The central conflict revolves around the burglar's struggles and lady Mannering’s quest for freedom but the resolution remains uncertain, reflecting the complexities of truth and deception. Doyle uses narrative devices, literary techniques, grammatical elements and precise language to convey a moral lesson about trusting strangers and the importance of caution. These elements contribute to constructing a compelling narrative that captivates readers and heightens suspense. Future research could include a comparative analysis of Doyle’s works from the same era exploring the impact of structural and linguistic differences on reader interpretation, investigating the function of narratives and comparing narrative elements across different adventure stories. Labov’s model could also be applied to analyzing narrative poems and short films. This study is pertinent for people in the field of literature, teachers and authors who aim to improve their understanding of narrative techniques.

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