
Guy Labarre - Mehmet Özsait, A Banquet Hall of Men and the Volumnii of Pisidian Antioch, DHA 33/2, 2007, 91-114. Abstract: An inscription of Pisidian Antioch, copied by B. Levick and published sixteen years later in 1971, has been edited with the same reading by E. N. Lane. A new edition is needed, as the front of the stone, an offering table dedicated to the god Men, bears a Latin inscription that reveals the full identity of the dédicant, and mentions a cenaculum. The dedicant's gentilicium has been the starting point of an investigation on the Volumnii of Pisidian Antioch. Several inscriptions are discussed, especially a Latin inscription in which the restitution of the name Caristania Frontina Iuha, proposed by W. M. Ramsay (Anatolian Studies Presented to W. H. Buckler, 1939, p. 206-209), must be dismissed.

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