
Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism is an androgen excess originating from either the adrenals and/or the ovaries. Clinically, symptoms can be moderate (increase in terminal hair growth, acnea) or severe with signs of virilization (alopecia, clitoridomegaly). In either setting, physicians need to exclude relatively rare but potentially life-threatening underlying tumorous causes, such as adrenal androgen-secreting tumors. The objectives of this review are to evaluate which hormonal measurements (T, delta 4 androstenedione, 17 OH progesterone, SDHEA, FSH, LH) and/or imaging (pelvic ultrasound, MRI or adrenal CT-scan) could be useful identifying the origin of the androgen excess. Our review illustrates that the rate of progression of hirsutism and/or alopecia, and serum testosterone levels are in favor of tumors. Pelvic MRI and adrenal CT-scan are useful tools for identifying the different causes of androgen excess.

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