
The aetiological inquiry in the presence of systemic granulomatosis should consider some uncommon forms of tuberculosis infections. For instance, Poncet's tuberculous rheumatism is a rare entity subject to controversy. A 32-year-old man presenting febrile polyarthritis associated with spontaneously vanishing erythematous papular skin rash. The tests revealed a biological inflammatory syndrome and mediastinal lymph nodes. The biopsies showed cutaneous and mediastinal adenoid granulomatosis. The cutaneous lesions resolved spontaneously. The culture of the ganglionic sample was positive. The evolution was favourable under treatment and the articular pain disappeared within a few days. Poncet's tuberculous rheumatism may underly evolving visceral tuberculosis. It's presence requires a search for tuberculosis when systemic granulomatosis with cutaneous and articular involvement may simulate sarcoidosis.

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