
Rakotoarivelo, N., S. Andriambololonera, P. B. Phillipson & M. W. Callmander (2014). A new species in the genus Nesogordonia Baill. (Malvaceae) endemic from northern Madagascar. Candollea 69: 165– 170. In French, English and French abstracts. A new species of Nesogordonia Baill. (Malvaceae, Sterculioideae), Nesogordonia chrysocarpa Rakotoar. & Callm., is described from northern Madagascar. The new species is the fourth known species of the genus having all stamens fertile. It differs from other species in having 30 stamens arranged in two whorls: the external with five fascicles of 4 stamens and the internal with five fascicles of 2 stamens, and by a golden stellate indument on the internal surface of the seed locules. In addition to the description of the new species, we provide a discussion on its morphology, line drawings, a distribution map and the assessment of its preliminary risk of extinction according to the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

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