
Chatelain, C., F. Andrieu & A. Dobignard (2020). A new Fabaceae species from western Sahara (Morocco): Lotus zemmouriensis. Candollea 75: 189–192. In French, English and French abstracts.A new species of Lotus L. (Fabaceae) is described for the Moroccan Western Sahara: Lotus zemmouriensis C. Chatel., F. Andrieu & Dobignard. The new species resemble Lotus glinoides Delile but differs by its smaller pods and by its erectflexuous hairs on stems and leaves. Seven species of the genus are known in Western Sahara, three of which are endemic (not including the new species). This species is probably not rare, but the collect of plants in this desert area remains very random for climatic reasons, moreover this small species crawling on the sand has certainly been confused with others for a long time. The new species is provided with a line drawing and field photographs. A key to identify the Lotus of Western Sahara is presented.

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