
Previous studies have reported the presence of cognitive troubles in 15–50% of cancer patients, as well as the existence of subjective cognitive complaints (70% of these patients), often dissociated from these objective troubles. Treatments’ neurotoxicity, the effect of the cancer itself as well as the impact of disease diagnosis’ disclosure are all nowadays identified as potential factors responsible for these cognitive troubles. Other factors such as emotional distress could play a major role in the expression of these complaints, generally associated with a decreased quality of life for the patients. In this context, for the last four years, the Gustave Roussy’s memory consultation is proposing an etiological and therapeutic evaluation for patients presenting cognitive complaint. The originality of this consultation resides in its capacity to encompass neuropsychological, psychological and social aspects in a single examination program, for patients that would likely not have requested any help from the psycho-oncological unit otherwise. The evaluation presented here reports the descriptive study of the patients (N = 108) received in memory consultation during a complete calendar year. 75% of the patients were examined after completion of treatments. For 66% of the patients, there is no correlation between cognitive complaint and performance in memory or attention tests. The main correlate of the expressed cognitive complaint is the presence of an emotional disorder (72% of these patients). Beyond providing for these patients a quantitative evaluation of their cognitive disorders, the memory consultation turns out to be a valuable diagnostic tool for emotional disorders triggered by the shock of being affected by a serious disease, and often not identified beforehand by other vectors. It appears today as an essential complement to the global care of patients with cancer.

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