
A coupled hydromechanical solution to undrained spherical cavity expansion problem in unsaturated soil is proposed with an elastoplastic model for unsaturated soil. The mechanical response and hydraulic behavior of soil during expansion are coupled together through a soil–water characteristic curve (SWCC) that evolves with the void ratio. A system of four first-order differential governing equations is derived based on the equilibrium equation, large stain theory and coupled hydromechanical constitutive relationship of soil. The present solution can reduce to unified hardening parameter model based solution under saturated condition, which validates the proposed solution. The effects of overconsolidation ratio and initial suction on expansion responses are explored based on extensive parametric studies. Special attention is paid to investigate the distributions of the principal stresses, suction, and saturated degree of soil around the expanded cavity; the stress trajectory of a representative element at the cavity surface; and cavity pressure–displacement curves. The proposed analytical solution can serve as a theoretical framework for modelling of some fundamental geotechnical problems in unsaturated soils using critical state soil models.

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