
In recent years, more and more countries are facing the threat of marine geological hazards. The huge losses caused by marine geological disasters have forced people to put on the agenda to develop technologies that can monitor marine geological hazards. There are currently multiple technologies available for monitoring marine geological hazards, the purpose of this article is to explore possibly the basic information of technologies used for marine geohazards assessment and their advantages for using various assessment technologies to monitor the occurrence of marine geological hazards. The technologies to be explored in this article include AUV, multibeam sonar mapping, and sub-bottom profiler. UAVs can take images of the seafloor, seamount, and sediments of the eruptions, and multiple sensors carried by the AUVs can collect related marine geological data including the temperature and salinity of the seawater. The data collected and the images produced can be used to assess the occurrence of marine geohazards. The multi-beam sonars with different working frequencies are used for different purposes, which means that sonars with different working frequencies are also attached to different platforms to fit their mission assigned. The sub-bottom profilers can be used for assessment of eruptions of mud volcanoes and the fluid mud produced during the eruptions.

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