
Abstract De Robertis, A., Wilson, C. D., Furnish, S. R., and Dahl, P. H. 2013. Underwater radiated noise measurements of a noise-reduced fisheries research vessel. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70: 480–484. Vessel-radiated noise is traditionally measured at naval acoustic ranges, but lower-cost options are desirable for routine monitoring of research vessels. Measurements of a noise-reduced research vessel made at a naval noise range are compared to those made using an experimental mooring equipped with commercially available instrumentation. The measurements from the mooring were precise and within 2.5 dB of those from the noise range at third-octave bands <500 Hz. At higher frequencies, direct comparisons were precluded by an intermittent shaft-related noise present only during the mooring measurements, but previously observed at the navy range. The agreement between the two methods suggests that simplified, field-deployable hydrophone systems can be used to accurately characterize the noise signatures of research vessels.

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