
A brief review of the results obtained in recent research of underwater electrical wire explosions using microsecond and nanosecond generators is presented. It was shown that the increase in the rate of energy input into the exploding wire allows one to increase the wire temperature and amplitude of shock waves (SWs). Estimated energy deposition into Cu and Al wire material of up to 200 eV/atom was achieved. In microsecond time scale wire explosion, a good agreement was attained between the wire resistance calculated using the equation of state (EOS) and that obtained experimentally. Conversely, in nanosecond time scale wire explosion, the wire resistance of EOS was modified in order to fit experimental data. Analysis of the emitted radiation showed that black body approximation cannot be used to characterize exploding wire radiation. It was found that ⩽24% of the deposited energy is transferred into the water flow's mechanical energy. Also, it was shown that converging SWs formed by the explosion of cylindrical wire arrays can be used to achieve a pressure up to 250 kbar at the axis of implosion. Hydrodynamic simulations showed that with the use of relatively moderate pulsed power generators with stored energy of several hundred kilojoules, a pressure of several megabar can be achieved at the axis of implosion.

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