
Part 1 Sound transmission fundamentals: sound speed the propagation equation, logarithmic power measurement, the new reference unit sound reflection and refraction pressure reflection and transmission coefficients behaviour at normal incidence reflection and transmission with varying incidence reflection and transmission - the bottom and the slow bottom. Part 2 The Solar Equations: source intensity calculation source directivity transmission loss target strength reflection intensity loss coefficient sea floor loss sea surface loss noise reverberation calculating the signal excess. Part 3 Characteristics and analysis of sonar waveforms: swept frequency spectrum analyzers filter bank spectrum analyzers fast Fourier transform analyzers prony analysis further model-building techniques for spectral estimation four dimensional space-time waveform analysis. Part 4 Ray trace modelling of sonar propagation: ray tracing sonar models ray trace calculations some examples of ray modelling modelling transmission in the shelf-seas the Lloyd mirror effect. Part 5 Normal mode modelling of sonar propagation: a Heuristic treatment of normal modes in an acoustic waveguide normal mode solution for long ranges normal modes as interfering plane waves the normal mode solution formalized normal mode solution for all ranges the horizontally stratified channel. Part 6 Noise and reverberation: deep sea ambient noise level the variability of ambient noise level with time and depth the angular distrubution of the ambient noise field ship-generated noise reverberation scattering. Part 7 Acoustic transduction: the basic principles of acoustic transduction Piezo-electric transduction the Langevin projector ring and tube transducer designs resonance behaviour of transducers multiple matching layer transducers polar response measurements on transducers admittance measurements on terminal response hydrophones. Part 8 Transducer arrays: the linear hydrophone array the Fourier transform approach to pattern synthesis array beamsteering directivity index the parametric sonar synthetic aperture sonar. Part 9 Sonar engineering and applications: the basic echo sounder sub-bottom profiling fishing sonars side-scan terrain-mapping sonars Seismic survey acoustic positioning and navigation Doppler measurements. Part 10 Acoustic communications: the gross attributes of the received signal the channel transfer function combatting multipath diversity reception equalization communication using parametric transmission.

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