
Local government practices in Thailand have become more networking orgovernance-oriented since the promulgation of the Constitution of 1997 and the Decentralization Plan and Process Act of 1999. Several local governments have applied modern concepts of New Public Management (NPM) in order to perform their tasks. Public- Private Partnership is, therefore, regarded as a mode of governance for the sake of successful public service delivery. This article aims to describe and analyze local governance in political economy perspective. The case study of Rayong Municipality is selected to present the factors that drove the emergence of public-private partnership and how local government coalitions cooperate in public service delivery, especially the case of solid-waste management. The waste problem in Rayong Municipality had risen considerably due to the rapid increase in population, a trend that may continue in the future. The causes of the problem are many; lack of proper disposal units, limited budget, personnel and landfill areas. This problem has a negative impact on the quality of life in the municipality and therefore this is best dealt with collectively. The project that has been implemented is the waste recycling scheme, garbage banking in schools and communities. The Waste-to-Fertiliser and Energy project makes the Integrated Waste Management Approach complete with the cooperation from other government agencies and NGOs and the involvement of the private sector as PPP.

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