
Guggulu has been a key element in the ancient Indian Ayurvedic system of medication. It has been used extensively by Ayurvedic Acharya for thousands of years to treat a large variety of disorders, besides its use in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries. Guggulu is a gum or resin extracted from the plant Commiphora mukul or Guggulu tree. Guggulu is a shrub or small tree belonging to Burseraceae family. a small perennial tree or shrub up to 1.2-1.8 m high, occurring in rocky tracts of Rajasthan, Barar, Khandesh, Maisoor, Kathiyabad, Belari. Exudate is collected during the winter season by making the incisions in the bark or summer, falling from the bark itself1. Guggulu has 5 types that are- Mahishaksha, Mahaneel, Kumuda, Padma, Hiranya. Guggulu is Vishad (non- unctuous), Tikta (bitter), Ushna Virya (hot in potency), increases Pitta, Sara (laxative), Kashaya (astringent), Katu (pungent) in taste, Katu in Vipak (pungent after digestion), Ruksha (causes dryness) and Laghu (light). Chemical compositions of Guggulu are volatile oil, resins and gum, Guggul sterole, Z-guggul sterone, E-guggul sterol-I, II and III, Sesasmine, Cholesterol, Mukolol and other steroids. It has Shothhar, Vedanasthapan, Vranshothan, Vranaropan and Jantughna effects. It uses as an external application in Aamvata, Katishul and Sandhishul. Keywords: Aamvata, Commiphora mukul, Guggulu, Kushtharoga, Sopha, Medoroga

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