
The tetra-phenyl arsonium and tetra-phenyl borate (TATB) assumption is a commonly used extra-thermodynamic assumption that allows single ion free energies to be split into cationic and anionic contributions. The assumption is that the values for the TATB salt can be divided equally. This is justified by arguing that these large hydrophobic ions will cause a symmetric response in water. Experimental and classical simulation work has raised potential flaws with this assumption, indicating that hydrogen bonding with the phenyl ring may favor the solvation of the TB- anion. Here, we perform ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of these ions in bulk water demonstrating that there are significant structural differences. We quantify our findings by reproducing the experimentally observed vibrational shift for the TB- anion and confirm that this is associated with hydrogen bonding with the phenyl rings. Finally, we demonstrate that this results in a substantial energetic preference of the water to solvate the anion. Our results suggest that the validity of the TATB assumption, which is still widely used today, should be reconsidered experimentally in order to properly reference single ion solvation free energy, enthalpy, and entropy.

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