
This study examined the role of sulfur (S) in the pathogenesis of S-induced polioencephalomalacia (PEM) in beef cattle in the context of thiamine status and metabolism. Thiamine, thiamine monophosphate (TMP) and thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) status in rumen fluid, blood and brain tissue were determined in beef heifers fed 2 levels of S [low S (LS) vs. high S (HS)] at 2 forage-to-concentrate ratios (F:C). High S diet did not affect ruminal and blood thiamine status. Interestingly, however, HS diet showed increased brain thiamine levels. No gross or histopathological changes indicative of PEM were detected in the brains of the heifers. Of note, during the course of the present study, we documented an outbreak of S-induced PEM in commercial feedlot steers. Brain thiamine variables in experimental animals fed HS diet were then contrasted with brain thiamine status in PEM affected feedlot steers. Interestingly, in clinically normal animals, exposure to HS diet resulted in increased levels of both TMP and TPP in the brain tissue, in comparison to animals fed LS diet. In contrast, the PEM affected brains showed overall lower levels of thiamine phosphates. It is noteworthy that TPP levels were 36.5% lower, despite 4.9-fold higher free thiamine in PEM brains compared to normal brains. Our results indicate that high dietary S may increase the metabolic demand for TPP, and that animals incapable of maintaining requisite levels of brain TPP are at high risk to develop fulminant cerebrocortical necrosis.

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