
Emerging and young adult caregivers (EYACs) who provide care to their parents are a hidden, unsupported population of caregivers. Research identifies information sharing or withholding as a key aspect of caregivers’ ability to cope and adjust, which may be especially critical when a parent is diagnosed with advanced cancer. The goal of this study was to examine the impact of parent information sharing/withholding on EYACs’ caregiving and coping experiences. We conducted in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 33 EYACs between the ages of 18–35 who cared for a parent that died of advanced cancer. Interview transcripts were thematically analyzed. Three factors played a role in how parents’ information sharing/withholding affected EYACs’ caregiving/coping: 1) topic, 2) timing, and 3) who is included. Findings highlight the adaptive functioning of parents’ information sharing and negative outcomes associated with information withholding, illustrating how parents’ disclosure decisions function to promote or inhibit EYACs’ care involvement and coping.

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