
This article is an analysis of the meaning of context in implementing curriculum reform. It uses an analysis of two Kosovo curriculum reforms in the previous two decades to elaborate on how education systems engage in the transfer of transnational ideas as well as how they face challenges in making those ideas succeed. The article uses Discursive Institutionalism and the debate between the Didaktik and Curriculum Theory Traditions as a framework for analysis to understand the form of ideas and types of discourses that are relevant for successful curriculum reform. While the Kosovo curriculum reform has been struggling to find a balance between the Didaktik and Curriculum Theory traditions, it is evident that two reform projects did not provide sufficient possibilities forcoordinative discourse among key actors in the reform implementation. For reform to succeed, education systems need to balance between both background and foreground ideas as well as communicative and coordinative discourses. In education systems whose professional capacities are limited and whose resources are scarce, such a balance gains greater importance, indicating the need for more school-based development activities. Therefore, the context should not be viewed as solely static, but needs to be assigned a new meaning regarding what it is and should be placed at the service of reform implementation by recognising the importance of critical reflection when adopting a particular curriculum policy orientation and tailoring the discourse for promoting reform ideas.


  • Though curriculum policy is considered a national matter, it is not resistant to transnational policies or the policy transfer phenomenon

  • This study provides an in-depth view of understanding the contextual dimension of curriculum policy to determine the challenges that influence the success or failure of reform policies

  • Though curriculum policy in any education system generally advocates the idea of developing democracy, as well as the societal values and skills needed for current societies, it is necessary to recognise the choices education systems make in conceptualising and operationalising the curriculum

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Blerim Saqipi

V članku je analiziran pomen konteksta izvajanja kurikularne prenove. Gre za analizo dveh kurikularnih prenov v zadnjih dveh desetletjih na Kosovem, katere namen je pojasniti način vključevanja izobraževalnih sistemov v prenos transnacionalnih idej in spoprijemanja z izzivi pri uresničevanju teh idej. V članku sta prikazana diskurzivni institucionalizem ter razprava o tradicionalni teoriji didaktike in kurikularni teoriji kot okvir za analizo razumevanja oblikovanja idej in vrst diskurzov, ki so pomembni za uspešno kurikularno prenovo. Za uspeh reforme je nujno, da izobraževalni sistemi uravnovesijo neizpostavljene pa tudi izpostavljene ideje ter komunikacijske in koordinativne diskurze. Zato konteksta ne bi smeli obravnavati kot izključno statičnega, ampak mu je treba pripisati drugačen pomen glede na njegov položaj glede omogočanja izvajanja reform; prav tako mu je treba priznati pomen kritične refleksije pri sprejemanju določene usmeritve kurikularne politike in prilagajanju diskurza za spodbujanje reformnih idej. Ključne besede: politični diskurz, kurikularna teorija, kontekst, Kosovo, diskurzivni institucionalizem, didaktika, kurikularna reforma c e p s Journal | Vol.9 | No2 | Year 2019 35

Importance of conceptualising curriculum policy
The teaching and learning activities in the classroom and the school
Subject matter comes Bildung comes first first
Communicative discourse on knowledge and skills
Understanding the importance of the curriculum implementation context
Biographical note
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