
Urban mobility is currently facing a variety of challenges. Increasing emission levels in cities, growing numbers of private vehicles and constantly changing needs and requirements of the population are only some of them. New mobility concepts and business models are currently emerging in response to these volatile conditions, primarily through improvements in IT infrastructure and the profitable collaboration of various players. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is one of those innovative mobility concepts trying to cope with the current challenges. This paper provides first insights on the characteristics and attitudes of potential MaaS users in order to understand the drivers for a higher willingness to use. The results are gathered with an online survey based on a sample of n = 6000 regular commuters within England, Germany, Czech Republic and Poland. Additionally to the development of a User Behavior Model, the focus also lies on the analysis of undecided users. Comparing the attitudes of participants who show a high willingness to use MaaS with those who are still undecided provides important insights on how to attract a specific audience and increase the usage of Mobility as a Service. The data provides information that the average undecided user is of higher age and has a lower income. Furthermore, the results show significant evidence that the personal opinion towards shared economy, environmental friendliness, and social influence does impact the willingness to use MaaS. Contrary to existing research, travelled distance does not influence the likelihood to use MaaS.

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