
Maillard reaction browning is one of the quality deterioration in dried fruit products, but how pectin affects Maillard reaction in the fruit drying and storage process is not clear. This study aimed at investigating the mechanism of pectin variation impact on the browning of Maillard reaction by using simulated system (l-lysine, d-fructose and pectin) in thermal (60 °C and 90 °C for 8 h) and storage (37 °C for 14 days) process. Results showed that apple pectin (AP) and sugar beet pectin (SP) significantly enhanced the browning index (BI) of the Maillard reaction system by 0.01 to 134.51 in the thermal and storage processes, respectively, which were methylation degree of pectin-dependent. The pectin depolymerization product participated Maillard reaction by reacting with l-lysine, and increasing the 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) content (1.25–11.41-fold) and Abs420nm (0.01–0.09). It also produced a new product (m/z 225.1245), which finally increased browning level of the system.

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