
ABSTRACT 1. The Kadaknath, an Indian fowl, is popular for its taste and health benefits. However, there is scarcity of information on its histology, haematology and biochemistry. 2. Histology was conducted on various organs, including brain, heart, intestine, liver, kidney and the lung. For haematology investigation Mispa Count Plus was used (AGAPPE Diagnostic, India). 3. Biochemical analysis involved determination of blood sugar, serum creatinine, serum urea, serum bilirubin, SGPT, serum protein and the alkaline phosphatase. The organs contained significant amounts of proteins characterised by strong amide (amide I-β-sheet) bands within mid and NIR region. 4. Hydrated fatty acids were not found in mid IR region, although NIR revealed traces substantiated by strong – OH bending within 10 680/cm -10 400/cm. 5. This work reported the usefulness of attenuated total reflectance (ATR) in understanding nutritive benefits of Kadaknath chickens and can assist avian practitioners in the detection of infections or pathological conditions.

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