
Background:The etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of cancer has intrigued modern oncology researchers for decades, and it is still a rapidly growing area in medicine. Cancer is not a single disease, but rather a collection of related diseases which is diagnosed on the basis of aberrant cellular changes. Since this is established by the modern medical science, it becomes important to understand it from the perspective of Ayurveda. Despite the fact that there are a few endeavors in this area, there is no common agreement among the experts. The current article is an effort to fulfill this knowledge gap.Aims and objectives:To understand the cancer systematically in the frame work of Ayurveda and propose its probable Samprapti (pathogenic process) based on clinical observations.Materials and methods:It is based on the clinical observation and detailed examination of 400 cancer patients, following modern and Ayurvedic methods in an institution dedicated to oncology.Results:After careful study of each type of cases of cancer at its all stages to understand the natural history and clinical behavior, Ayurvedic pathogenesis, diagnosis with possible etiologic association has been arrived at. Three main conditions, namely Udara (enlargement of abdomen), Gulma (lump in abdomen) and Vidradhi (abscess) can be equated with cancer.Conclusion:Modern diagnosis of cancer cannot be equated with any single disease entity mentioned in the Ayurvedic literature. Udara-Gulma-Vidradhi is the abdominal tumors present as benign and possess cancerous potential.

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