
Success at an Olympic level can come down to the smallest of margins. However little research has been conducted into how the menstrual cycle affects elite athletes' performance and decision making. This study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods to explore this question. Physiological performance data was collected from eight elite athletes for 7 months and analyzed as a function of menstrual phase. The Cambridge Gambling Task (CGT) was used to test decision making and testing occurred twice in one cycle, during the early follicular phase and during the mid-luteal phase. Menstrual cycle phase was determined using menstrual cycle mapping and urine ovulation tests. In the qualitative part of this project, two elite athletes, two Olympic level athletes, and two coaches participated in semi-structured interviews. The study found that physiological performance was significantly better during the menses phase (MP) compared to the proliferative and secretory phases (PSP). There was variation in how elite athletes were individually affected however. Oral contraceptive users showed a greater performance change from MP to PSP suggesting that oral contraceptives may be detrimental to performance in some athletes. The results of the CGT showed that impulsivity is significantly affected by menstrual cycle phase. Risk taking, error rates and response times were not affected. The qualitative interviews revealed that elite athletes and their coaches understand little of the menstrual cycle. Despite this, there are preconceptions that it negatively effects performance during the menses phase. The findings suggest that the menstrual cycle can have a significant effect on an elite athlete's performance and this paper discusses how individuals can possibly improve aspects of physiological and psychological performance by understanding and monitoring their menstrual patterns.

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