
Abstract Internationalization of higher education viewed as an engine towards development of any country. National governments around the world adopted different strategies to internationalize their higher education. The current study aimed to understand the approaches towards internationalization of higher education in China. In this study 26 published articles were deeply reviewed and analyzed so as to unpack the approaches towards internationalization of higher education in China. The findings highlighted main five approaches towards internationalization of higher education in China (i) recruiting quality and diversity international students through providing scholarship and delivering quality services (ii) widening chances for Chinese students to study different programs abroad (iii) international universities collaborations or partnership, jointly researches and innovative international programs, (iv) strengthening recruitment process of excellent international academics to higher education and strongly encouraging domestic academics to go abroad for researches and (v) increasing of budget to finance higher education, international activities, international programs like English language program and Chinese culture program. Future studies should concentrate on understanding the approaches towards internationalization of higher education in other countries.

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