
The current situation of the society is different from what it was used to be which is probably the cause of the advent of technology that caught the individual in a complex culture that menaces morals and values. This study determined the socio-cultural and moral-spiritual values of the National Service Training Program NSTP students from the University of Northern Philippines (UNP) using the descriptive-correlational research design. A questionnaire adopted from the Value Scale made by the National Coordinating Center for the Study of the Development of Filipino Children and Youth (NCCSDFCY) utilized by Obrero (1994) was used. Frequencies and percentages weighted mean, and simple correlation analysis was used to analyze the data gathered in the study. The results of the study revealed that the respondents have low socio-cultural and moral-spiritual values, but they are highly oriented on spiritual enrichment component. Correlation analysis revealed that there is a significant and substantial relationship between age and educational attainment and socio-cultural values of the respondents. Significant relationship between age, mothers’ educational attainment and occupation, and the type of secondary school where they graduated and moral-spiritual values of the respondents. It was concluded that the NSTP students have low socio-cultural and moral-spiritual values. Significant and substantial relationships exist between educational attainment and age and socio-cultural values of the respondents. Significant relationship also existed between age, mothers’ educational attainment and occupation, and the type of secondary school graduated from and moral-spiritual values of the respondents.

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