
It is well known that sound waves are often difficult, if not impossible, to visualize which makes their nature and effects much more difficult to explain than those of other kinds of waves. In this article, a visualization tool for enhancing the students' learning process for a fundamental of acoustics course is reported. The visualization is done through particle displacement computer animations of different sound propagation cases using a simple Matlab script. Several examples that can enhance the material discussed during class time are presented, in particular those topics involving diffraction of sound waves. It is observed that visual displays used during lectures improve the students' retention of new material. Students seem to make better association between wave motion and particles in a medium. A visual advantage of the particle displacement animations is that they use tangible items to represent the invisible process, by visualizing the invisible particles of air as dots on the computer screen. In addition, this instructional tool used to visualize sound fields enhances the understanding of many conceptual aspects underlying sound wave motion and can be used to motivate a discussion of the wave equation later.

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