
According to a study of the research, there is a lack of understanding about how students see the professional obligations and functions of other professions. This research aimed to investigate how health professional students (HPS) perceived Inter professional socialization (IPS). Participants came from eight different health-related academic fields, including nursing, radiological science, occupational therapy, clinical lab science, social work, nutritional science, and physical therapy. In all, 300 undergraduate (UG) and 114 graduate students participated. The Interprofessional socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS-21) was used to gather the data. On a Likert scale with 1 being not at all and 7 being to a very large amount, the participants were asked to score 21 questions concerning their beliefs, practices, and perspectives towards IPS. To examine variations across the health fields, descriptive statistics and analysis of variance were used to analyze the information. According to a descriptive study, 95.2% of students believed IPS was happening to a rather considerable level, with a mean of 5.12 or higher on a scale from 1 to 7. The health fields didn't vary all that much from one another. The results indicate that pupils are prepared to comprehend one another's professional duties and obligations. There are several things to keep in mind for future Interprofessional collaborative activities even if there are no standardized educational methodologies to encourage student cooperation across disciplines.

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