
Physical Education (PE) is an essential compulsory school subject requiring focused and sustained development. This study examined the understanding of Quality Physical Education (QPE) from the perspective of PE professionals primarily entrusted with implementing initiatives to develop QPE. A total of 2,191 individuals from 25 Asian cities participated in this study. They completed a validated QPE questionnaire consisting of 49 items distributed into eight dimensions. The variables of gender, work position, and years of experience were investigated in accounting for the differences in perceptions. The overall mean value for QPE was 7.32, with excellent internal consistency (a= .986). The results indicated similar trends in the perceptions of the QPE and evaluation of the items by professionals. No significant differences between genders and across work positions were found. However, significant differences were found among perceptions depending on the years of experience in teaching PE. Moreover, findings revealed the need for governmental support for research in PE and collaborative work at the international and national levels. This study contributes to the groundwork of policy analyses and strategic development in improving QPE in Asia.

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