
AbstractThe road to industrialisation with its ethos of expansion has been antithetical to sustainability's contemporary idea. Several blueprints for sustainable development worldwide have identified sustainable industrial development as a high-priority area. The need for innovative and sustainable practices in industrialisation has been addressed and included in the Sustainable Development Goals formulated by the United Nations as well. The larger goal of sustainable development is very much dependent on our approach to sustainable industrial planning and operations. Industrialisation paves the path for a nation's development and economy and is largely influential to its environmental and social issues. Globally, industrial ecology has emerged as a troubleshooter for aiding with innovative approaches to resolve complex problems in industrial operations and management pertaining to the environment, economy and society. It is a comparatively younger discipline of science but has exhibited various efficient models of sustainable industrial development. The researchers intend to present industrial ecology's concept and its role towards sustainable operations in industrial development. It will include the history, evolution and application of industrial ecology with the help of literature review and case discussions from developed countries and India as well.KeywordsEnvironmental ManagementIndustrial DevelopmentIndustrial EcologySustainable Operations

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