
Motility of the gut is affected by the nervous system, the endocrine system, smooth muscle cells, interstitial cells of Cajal, secretory mucosal cells, the immune system, and gut flora. Abnormal gastrointestinal motility can generate nonspecific symptom complaints that are refractory to standard treatment approaches. It is important to exclude anatomical obstruction or other causes for patients' symptoms prior to proceeding with motility evaluation. Motility studies that help to evaluate children with suspected motility problems include combined multichannel intraluminal impedance (MII) and pH recording, esophageal manometry, gastric emptying scinitigraphy, antroduodenal manometry, colonic manometry, and anorectal manometry. Many pediatric gastrointestinal motility evaluations should be completed in a pediatric motility center where specialized training is completed by physicians in this field. Indications for pediatric gastrointestinal motility studies and how the procedures are performed are addressed in this paper.

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