
This study examines the predictive ability of entrepreneurial behavior towards entrepreneurial intention star hotel employee in Bali. Assessing self efficacy in predicting entrepreneurial intention. Review the predictions of self-determination on entrepreneurial intention. Assessing self identity in predicting entrepreneurial intention. The Entrepreneurial behavior referred to from Kirkley (2016) research, consists of dimensions of self efficacy, self-determination, self identity. For entrepreneurial intention refer to Dinis et al. (2013) research. Entrepreneurial behavior in decision making is related to the assessment process and thinking by identifying and integrating knowledge, autonomy, competence and desire in order to achieve the entrepreneurial intention goals. This research was conducted on star hotel employees in Bali with 156 respondents. The questionnaires returned were 156 with a response rate of 100%. Each research instrument uses a 5 Likert scale measurement. The initial evaluation is carried out by estimating the evaluation of the outer model, namely the validity and reliability of each reflective construct. Next is the evaluation of inner models for testing research models using the WarpPLS 4.0 program. The significance of the parameters is determined by resampling bootstrapping and using 500 sub-samples of equal size to that of the original sample. The results and discussion of hypothesis testing show that the self-efficacy of star hotels employees in Bali is able to predict entrepreneurial intention significantly. Self determination can predict entrepreneurial intention of star hotels employees in Bali significantly. Self-identity of star hotel employees in Bali was able to predict entrepreneurial intention insignificantly. Keywords : entrepreneurial behavior, self efficacy, self determination, self identity, entrepreneurial intention JEL Classifications : L26, M21 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.10077


  • Entrepreneurial intention is an individual’s interest in planning a business

  • Evaluation Results of the Goodness of Fit Research Model The result of research data analysis stated that evaluation of goodness of fit research model seen from model fit indices and p values by showing result of three fit indicator that is average path coefficient (APC) and average R-square (ARS) used to measure average path value coefficient and R-square coefficient

  • The p value is given for APC and ARS indicator calculated by estimation of resampling and Bonferroni like correction

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Entrepreneurial intention is an individual’s interest in planning a business. According to the perspective of theory of plan behavior (Ajzen, 1991; Yang, 2013; Munir et al, 2019), that individual interest in a behavior can be measured by three aspects (Krueger et al, 2000a; Yatribi, 2016): (a) Behavioral aspects, namely individual beliefs about the consequences of the results of actions taken; (b) Subjective norms indicate guidelines that motivate individuals to behave; and (c) Perception of behavioral control, namely the individual’s assessment of the individual’s ability to carry out a behavior. The mental attitude of an entrepreneur is the ability to identify and assess self-knowledge, creativity to produce satisfactory performance capable of creating entrepreneurial intention (Fernandes et al, 2018; Rahi and Ghani, 2019) This is related to the implementation of the knowledge management of an entrepreneur in improving the learning process and managed the business performance (Astuti and Kusumawijaya, 2013). The decision to establish a business for star hotel employees in Bali was strived by working hard to transform resources and potential information and create opportunities into business realities (Kusumawijaya, 2019a) In connection with this discussion, this study seeks to examine the predictive ability of entrepreneurial behavior towards entrepreneurial intentions of star hotel employees in Bali.

Evaluation APC ARS AVIP
Hypothesis Testing 1
Hypothesis Testing 2
Testing of Hypothesis 3
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