
The exploratory and interpretative research carried out for this thesis is on understanding cohabitation among unmarried couples in place. The pieces of evidence gathered in Barangay Liwanay, Banga South Cotabato diverse backgrounds specifically unmarried couples. Evidence from the data indicated from reasons, benefits and challenges was relating and explain by different sociological theories. Philosophy of money intimacy theory, In differential-association theory; theory of deviance. The result of the study revealed that the main reasons of living together and not getting married is because of financial incapability, emotional attachment and unavoidable responsibility. Benefits that was distinguish in having a cohabiting partner are having someone to lean on, their hearts and mind become one and a change of perspective in life and in relationships. Challenges determine in their relationships are having an easy escape, money matters, outside the inner circle, half-hearted love and cat and mouse game. Lastly, this research, as an exploratory by nature. Additional application will help society understand their situation, the reasons, benefits, challenges of being in this relationship and the probability of why changing cohabiting couples status quo. In this way, the use of this research could benefit the participants for a broader understanding and decisions in their relationship.

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