
Bipolar Affective Disorder (BD) is a severe mental pathology characterized by recurrent mood episodes that usually cycle between two opposite poles: mania or hypomania and depression. It has a high level of morbidity/mortality (i.e., cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, altered functionality, and absenteeism from work) and associated substantial socioeconomic costs. The most dramatic outcome is death by suicide, which occurs in 5% to 15% of patients. Early detection plays a vital role in modifying the natural course of the disease. It is essential to determine the disease's risk and specific protective factors to prevent its occurrence, delay its appearance, and reduce its deterioration effects. Characteristics such as genetic profile, cognitive reserve (partially explained by educational level and premorbid intelligence), chronotype (particularly morning chronotype), personality aspects (including resilience and hyperthymic temperament), the absence of substance use and childhood maltreatment, in addition to an adequate support network, have been associated with a lower impact in the onset and course of the disease. Once present, interventions -both in the early and late stages (i.e., specific pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, dietary factors, physical activity, and judicious use of antipsychotics)-can play a protective role against the appearance of the disease and the severity of its mood episodes.

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