
The government of the Republic of Indonesia represented by the Ministry of Education and Culture has stipulated that the new curriculum, the 2013 curriculum, should be implemented in all levels of education all over Indonesia starting from 2013-2014 academic year. This change, of course, result in a number of consequences for the stakeholders. One of the stakeholders that will directly experience the consequences most is teachers. The teachers who have begun to feel convenient and be accustomed to with the implementation of the School-Based Curriculum (SBC), suddenly have to shift their mind and teaching practices to this new curriculum. This can make teachers, included English teachers, worried. They are worried if this new curriculum is more complicated to implement than the previous one, the SBC. Actually, the change of curriculum is something common in the world of education. In Indonesia, every eight to nine or ten years, a curriculum changes. That is why the change of curriculum should not be understood as something extraordinary; rather, it should be understood as something common. This perception is important because the way to understand the change of curriculum will influence the way to respond it. If it is thought of as something extraordinary, it should be responded in extraordinary way too. However, if it is considered as a common something it will make teachers’ job be more proportional as well as more professional. This paper tries to discuss and explore the essence of curriculum in general and suggest how Indonesian teachers should respond to the new curriculum, the 2013 curriculum within the context of Indonesian education.

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