
We read with great interest the Personal View in the April issue, from Mariella Mannino and John Yarnold, 1 Mannino M Yarnold J Effect of breast-duct anatomy and wound-healing responses on local tumour recurrence after primary surgery for early breast cancer. Lancet Oncol. 2009; 10: 425-429 Summary Full Text Full Text PDF PubMed Scopus (11) Google Scholar which gave striking support that early invasive breast cancer conforms to two hypotheses proposed for malignant tumours in general. 2 Höckel M Dornhöfer N The Hydra phenomenon of cancer: why tumours recur locally after microscopically complete resection. Cancer Res. 2005; 65: 2997-3002 PubMed Google Scholar The hypotheses state that the local spread of cancer is confined for a long period to a permissive compartment traced back to embryonic development, and that local relapse might be promoted by the wound-healing response to surgical resection if remnants of the compartment remain in situ and harbour or recruit residual tumour (stem) cells.

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