
Unit testing is the important yet the most laborious testing activity because the developer must create and execute unit tests for each class that is created. Unit tests can be created manually by the developer or automatically by using code-based test case generation techniques, such as random, search-based, or symbolic execution techniques. The automatic generated testcases reducing developer effort in writing the unit test for every method and class. However, this automated unit test case more difficult to understand compared to manual unit test. After the unit tests are executed, the results must be validated or maintained by the developer team and they must understand the content of unit tests. This applies not only to the development phase but also to the software maintenance phase. Therefore, understandability is an important aspect that test cases need to have. To explore what kind of test cases are easy for developers to understand, a requirement gathering activities related to understandability improvement in unit test cases is conducted. This research involved the developers and experts in software development by exploring their opinion in semantic, format and function of automatic unit test cases. Based on expert's opinion and developer's interview, requirement list is mapped to the Evosuite and Randoop generated unit test case

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