
Understanding the structure, dynamics, and functionality of microbial communities is essential for developing sustainable and effective bioremediation strategies, particularly for sites contaminated with mixed chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), which can make the biodegradation process more complex and challenging. In this study, 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing revealed a significant change in microbial distribution in response to CVOCs contamination. The loss of sensitive taxa such as Proteobacteria and Acidobacteriota was observed, while CVOCs-resistant taxa such as Campilobacterota were found significantly enriched in contaminated sites. Additionally, varying abundances of crucial enzymes involved in the sequential biodegradation of CVOCs were expressed depending on the contamination level. Association analysis revealed that specific genera such as Sulfurospirillum, Azospira, Trichlorobacter, Acidiphilium, and Magnetospririllum could relatively survive under higher levels of CVOC contamination, whereas pH, ORP and temperature had a negative influence in their abundance and distribution. However, Dechloromonas, Thiobacillus, Pseudarcicella, Hydrogenophaga, and Sulfuritalea showed a negative relationship with CVOC contamination, highlighting their sensitivity towards CVOC contamination. These findings provide valuable insights into the relationship among ecological responses, the groundwater bacterial community, and their functionality in response to mixed CVOC contamination, offering a fundamental basis for developing effective and sustainable bioremediation strategies for CVOC-contaminated groundwater systems.

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