
Mobile impurities in magnetic materials form a ferromagnetic bundle conveying spin and lattice deformation known as a blended ferron. Here, we show that two of these blended ferrons can bind to form bound biferron states. The resulting quasi-particle emerges from the induced interactions mediated by both lattice and spin-wave density in magnetic clusters. We derive using the Dynamic matrix approach (DMA) an effective Schrödinger equation describing this pairing scenario. It is found that the energy spectrum of the blended biferron and the spacing between the two impurities is quantized; the resulting bundle’s effective mass varies with the occupied states. The presence of a strong magnetic field causes a strong spin-wave density that favors biferron binding for spin S=1 (large biferron). As a result, the bound biferron state emerges with prominent applications in high-temperature superconductivity and Bose–Einstein condensation.

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