
It is the object of this paper to prove that the binary operator of addition of the natural numbers is not arithmetically definable in terms of a single unary operator. An arithmetical (or elementary) definition is one in which no variables ranging over sets of natural numbers are permitted; all variables range over just the natural numbers themselves. It is actually easier to prove something more than this: that a single unary operator will not suffice even when any number of one-place predicates of natural numbers are added. The method of proof is by elimination of quantifiers, originally due to Presburger. A by-product of the method used is the subsidiary result that addition is not definable without quantifiers in terms of any set of unary operators, one-place predicates and two-place predicates. The interpreted well-formed formulas herein considered have the following as symbols: =, identity, interpreted in the usual way; f, a unary functor, interpreted as a unary operator over the natural numbers; truth functions and quantifiers; and predicate letters, each interpreted as a definite property of natural numbers. a, b, c, d, x, y, z are variables. A term will be either a variable x or f'(x), i.e.,f(f (... (x) ... )), in which f occurs i times; thusfo(x) is simply the variable x. t and s, with and without subscripts and superscripts, will be arbitrary terms. The symbols T and I are propositional constants standing, respectively, for truth and falsity. m, n, h, i, j, k are natural numbers. The class of formulas that are allowed can be made precise by the following recursive characterization: (1) if tl, t2, .. are terms and F is an n-ary predicate letter (n > 1) then t1 = t2, Ft, ... tn, T and I are allowed formulas; (2) if 0, and 02 are formulas and x is a variable then -((D), (DI & 02, ( 3x)DI and (x)D I are all formulas; and (3) nothing else is a formula.

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