
This study analyzes the Second Amendment to the Law on the Establishment of Legislation (UU P3) which accommodates the omnibus law method. The omnibus law method was previously unknown to the civil law legal system adopted in Indonesia, therefore when this method was implemented in the Job Creation Law (UU Ciptaker), it invited pros and cons in the society, even differences of opinion among legal experts. The Second Amendment to the UU P3 introduces a new method in forming laws and regulations as it legalizes the omnibus law method in the Indonesian legal system. This paper is the result of doctrinal research that relies on secondary data. This research concludes that: first, the omnibus law method which was initially alien to the system for forming statutory regulations, now through the Second Amendment to the UU P3, it has become one of the known methods in forming statutory regulations and in this context, becoming the legal basis which must be guided by the revision of the UU Ciptaker as mandated by the Constitutional Court decision Number 91/PUU-XIX/2021 as well; Second, the omnibus law method which was accommodated in the Second Amendment to the UU P3 became the juridical basis for improving the UU Ciptaker, both amendments in the formal and material aspects, and UU P3 being the standard in the formation of laws and regulations in Indonesia.

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