
DEVS models are getting to be more and more sophisticated due to large scale objectives such as modeling complex physical continuous systems. The assurance of the validity and quality of simulation data handling and analysis may lead to a great challenge. Thus, a need of providing insight of DEVS simulation performance can arise. In particular, information about simulation processes workflow and internal data values and management. Provenance-aware systems are designed to satisfy those needs by documenting processes and casual dependencies. is a critical concept in scientific workflows, since it allows scientists to understand the origin of their results, to repeat their experiments, and to validate the processes that were used to derive data products. Recently, the provenance community agreed that a Provenance Challenge should be set to compare and understand existing approaches and updated the Open Model (OPM). We introduce provenance documentation technology to uncover DEVS models behaviours during a simulation. In addition, we apply the OPM formalization due to interoperability reasons and provide support to the Third Challenge.

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