
We consider two-dimensional $q$-state quantum clock models with quantum fluctuations connecting states with clock transitions with different choices for matrix elements. We study the quantum phase transitions in these models using quantum Monte Carlo simulations, with the aim of characterizing the cross-over from emergent U(1) symmetry at the transition (for $q \ge 4$) to $Z_q$ symmetry of the ordered state. We also study classical three-dimensional clock models with spatial anisotropy corresponding to the space-time anisotropy of the quantum systems. The U(1) to ${Z_q}$ symmetry cross-over in all these systems is governed by a dangerously irrelevant operator. We specifically study $q=5$ and $q=6$ models with different forms of the quantum fluctuations and different anisotropies in the classical models. We find the expected classical XY critical exponents and scaling dimensions $y_q$ of the clock fields. However, the initial weak violation of the U(1) symmetry in the ordered phase, characterized by a $Z_q$ symmetric order parameter $\phi_q$, scales in an unexpected way. As a function of the system size $L$, close to the critical temperature $\phi_q \propto L^p$, where the known value of the exponent is $p=2$ in the classical isotropic clock model. In contrast, for strongly anisotropic classical models and the quantum models we find $p=3$. For weakly anisotropic classical models we observe a cross-over from $p=2$ to $p=3$ scaling. The exponent $p$ directly impacts the exponent $\nu'$ governing the divergence of the U(1) to $Z_q$ cross-over length scale $\xi'$ in the thermodynamic limit, according to the relationship $\nu'=\nu(1+|y_q|/p)$, where $\nu$ is the conventional correlation length exponent. We present a phenomenological argument based on an anomalous renormalization of the clock field in the presence of anisotropy, possibly as a consequence of topological (vortex) line defects.

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