
We study a four-component polariton system in the optical parametric oscillator regime consisting of exciton, photon, signal, and idler modes across the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) transition. We show that all four components share the same BKT critical point, and algebraic decay of spatial coherence with the same critical exponent. However, while the collective excitations in different components are strongly locked, both close to and far from criticality, the spontaneous creation of topological defects in the vicinity of the phase transition is found to be largely independent of the intercomponent mode locking, and instead strongly dependent on the density within a given mode. This peculiar characteristic allows us to reveal a novel state of matter, characterized by configurations of topological defects proliferating on top of a superfluid with algebraic decay of coherence, observation of which is demonstrated to be within reach of current experiments.

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