
ABSTRACT‘Many worlds’ is a short narrative live-action film written and directed so as to provide multiple linear routes through the plot to one of four endings, and designed for showing in a cinema environment. At two points during the film, decisions are made based on audience bio-signals as to which plot route to take. The use of bio-signals is to allow the audience to remain immersed in the film, rather than explicitly selecting plot direction. Four audience members have a bio-signal measured sensor for each person: ECG (heart rate), EMG (muscle tension), EEG (‘brain waves’) and Galvanic Skin Response (perspiration). The four are interpreted as a single average of emotional arousal. ‘Many worlds’ was the first live-action linear plotted film to be screened in a cinema to the general public utilizing multiple biosensor types. The film has been shown publically a number of times, and lessons learned from the technical and cinematic production are detailed in this paper.

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