
Road rehabilitation and reconstruction generate large supplies of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP). One of the efforts to reuse the RAP is by insitu process and utilize it as road base materials. To get satisfying result from the RAP, it is necessary to add a certain amount of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as stabilizer. This study investigate the potential use of OPC-stabilized RAP in road bases. Laboratory experimental method was applied by using material collected from road located at Boyolali-Kartasura as the object of the study with the cement content variations of 4%, 5% and 6% for unconfined compressive strength test (UCS) and the cement contents variation of 5% and 6% for drying shrinkage test. The range of cement contents required for unconfined compressive strength of cement treated recycling base (CTRB) are 5% to 6%. The cement content used at Boyolali - Kartosuro road rehabilitation was 5.5%. Drying shrinkage during 28 days is 805.3 micro strain for the cement content of 5% and 826.3 micro strain for the cement content of 6%. The drying shrinkage of the materials was quite high for CTRB, so that carefully design and attention need to take into account to avoid the cracks at the road base and the prospective of reflective cracking at the surface course of the road.

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