
The oxidative decarbonylation of acetic and propionic acids with the formation of the corresponding alcohol and alkyl carboxylate is observed in the RhIII/CuI,II/Cl− catalytic system in the presence of O2 and CO. The decarbonylation of propionic acid in a deuterated solvent results in the substitution of hydrogen atoms by deuterium in the alkyl part of the products to form CH2DCOOD (CHD2COOH) and CHD2COOD (CD3COOH). The subsequent decarbonylation of deuterated acetic acids affords the corresponding deuteromethanols detected as esters with propionic and deuteroacetic acids. The substitution of the hydrogen atom by deuterium in the alkyl part of molecules of the products of oxidative decarbonylation of propionic acid, when the reaction is carried out in a deuterated solvent, indicates that propionic acid behaves as saturated hydrocarbon and blocks the oxidation of poorly soluble methane. Unlike propionic acid, acetic acid enters only the oxidative decarbonylation reaction and does not block methane oxidation.

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