
Active learning approach is well known method for labeling huge un-annotated dataset requiring minimal effort and is conducted in a cost efficient way. This approach selects and adds most informative instances to the training set iteratively such that the performance of learner improves with each iteration. Named entity recognition (NER) is a key task for information extraction in which entities present in sequences are labeled with correct class. The traditional query sampling strategies for the active learning only considers the final probability value of the model to select the most informative instances. In this paper, we have proposed a new active learning algorithm based on the hybrid query sampling strategy which also considers the sentence similarity along with the final probability value of the model and compared them with four other well known pool based uncertainty query sampling strategies based active learning approaches for named entity recognition (NER) i.e. least confident sampling, margin of confidence sampling, ratio of confidence sampling and entropy query sampling strategies. The experiments have been performed over three different biomedical NER datasets of different domains and a Spanish language NER dataset. We found that all the above approaches are able to reach to the performance of supervised learning based approach with much less annotated data requirement for training in comparison to that of supervised approach. The proposed active learning algorithm performs well and further reduces the annotation cost in comparison to the other sampling strategies based active algorithm in most of the cases.

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