
Abstract Material parameters related to deterministic models can have different values due to variation of experiments outcome. From a mathematical point of view, probabilistic modeling can improve this problem. It means that material parameters of constitutive models can be characterized as random variables with a probability distribution. To this end, we propose a constitutive models of rubber-like materials based on uncertainty quantification (UQ) approach. UQ reduces uncertainties in both computational and real-world applications. Constitutive models in elastomers play a crucial role in both science and industry due to their unique hyper-elastic behavior under different loading conditions (uni-axial extension, biaxial, or pure shear). Here our goal is to model the uncertainty in constitutive models of elastomers, and accordingly, identify sensitive parameters that we highly contribute to model uncertainty and error. Modern UQ models can be implemented to use the physics of the problem compared to black-box machine learning approaches that uses data only. In this research, we propagate uncertainty through the model, characterize sensitivity of material behavior to show the importance of each parameter for uncertainty reduction. To this end, we utilized Bayesian rules to develop a model considering uncertainty in the mechanical response of elastomers. As an important assumption, we believe that our measurements are around the model prediction, but it is contaminated by Gaussian noise. We can make the noise by maximizing the posterior. The uni-axial extension experimental data set is used to calibrate the model and propagate uncertainty in this research.

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