
We present a methodology to propagate nuclear data covariance information in neutron source calculations from (α,n) reactions. The approach is applied to estimate the uncertainty in the neutron generation rates for uranium oxide fuel types due to uncertainties on 1) 17,18 O(α,n) reaction cross-sections and 2) uranium and oxygen stopping power cross sections.The procedure to generate reaction cross section covariance information is based on the Bayesian fitting method implemented in the R-matrix SAMMY code. The evaluation methodology uses the Reich-Moore approximation to fit the 17,18 O(α,n) reaction cross-sections in order to derive a set of resonance parameters and a related covariance matrix that is then used to calculate the energy-dependent cross section covariance matrix. The stopping power cross sections and related covariance information for uranium and oxygen were obtained by the fit of stopping power data in the α-energy range of 1 keV up to 12 MeV.Cross section perturbation factors based on the covariance information relative to the evaluated 17,18 O(α,n) reaction cross sections, as well as uranium and oxygen stopping power cross sections, were used to generate a varied set of nuclear data libraries used in SOURCES4C and ORIGEN for inventory and source term calculations. The set of randomly perturbed output (α,n) source responses, provide the mean values and standard deviations of the calculated responses reflecting the uncertainties in nuclear data used in the calculations. The results and related uncertainties are compared with experiment thick target (α,n) yields for uranium oxide.

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